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Vihaan, a young innovator, has got the opportunity to exhibit “Automatic door opener“, his creation, to a live audience of 1500, including world-class entrepreneurs, leaders, and investors at the upcoming MoonBattle Conference 2024 in Milpitas. He will showcase “Automatic door opener” in the Show and Tell Competition.

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By  Vihaan

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Project Name: Automatic door opener
Team Member: Vihaan
Program: Show n Tell
More Information:
Vihaan, a young innovator, has got the opportunity to exhibit "Automatic door opener", his creation, to a live audience of 1500, including world-class entrepreneurs, leaders, and investors at the upcoming MoonBattle Conference 2024 in Milpitas. He will showcase "Automatic door opener" in the Show and Tell Competition.


Congratulations to Vihaan for designing “Automatic door opener
being part of the upcoming
MoonBattle Conference 2024 in Milpitas, Silicon Valley

The Automatic Door Opener project opens the door automatically when the button is pressed. It displays messages on the LCD screen about the position of the door. The Arduino Board gets the power from the computer connected. The button, motor, and LCD screen get power from the Arduino. When the button is pressed, it signals the motor through the Arduino. The motor turns to open the door. The LCD screen displays the message “Door open”. It closes the door after the coded delay time.


If you like Vihaan’s project, support “Automatic door opener” by sharing and liking it.


Tools used

I will be using Arduino nano , LCD display , servo motor , and pushbutton


Working demonstration


The Arduino Nano board gets power and code from a computer through a cable. Power is sent from the Arduino Nano board to the components, such as a servo motor, LCD, and pushbutton.

By default, the LCD screen displays, “Press button to open door”. When the pushbutton is pressed, the code signals the servo motor and the LCD. The servo motor opens the door and the LCD screen displays, “Door open.” The coded countdown for closing the door is displayed on an LCD. The door stays open for ten seconds and closes. The LCD displays ”Press button to open door. If the push button is not pressed then a signal is sent to the LCD. The LCD screen displays, “Press button to open door.“



  • Create a system that automatically opens a door when a button is pressed, controlled by Arduino nano
  • Display a message on a screen confirming the door is open, providing feedback to the user.


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